Best Ethiopia Tours

Best Ethiopia Tours

experience the best of Ethiopia

Bale Mountains Tours

6 Days Bale Mountains Trekking

Day1: Addis Ababa-Bale Mountains National Park

Get driven from Addis Ababa to the Bale Mountains National Park. Arrive at the park Head Quarter in Dinsho, in the afternoon take an easy trek. You might spot some endemic mammals such as Menelik’s Bushbuck and Mountain Nyala. There are some bird to see, Blue winged goose and Abyssinian Long claw and others. Overnight, at camp around the head quarter.

Day2: Trek Dinsho to Adelay

You will trek to Adelay via the Gesay valley and the web river. You would be able to view the Web waterfall along the way. Along the trek, there might be chances to see the Mountain Nyala, Mienlik’s Bushbuck, Bohor Reed Buck and Columbus monkey. Time: 5-6hrs. Overnight, camp at Adelay.

 Day3: Trek Adelay- Wasama

Trek to Wasama through the breathtaking views with a unique landscape. You will pass via Mararo valley where lammergeyers and Verraux Eagles build their nests. Besides, there would be a chance to see the Ethiopian wolf and different bird species. The trek might take 8-81/2 hrs. Overnight, camp at Wasama.

Day4: Wasama –Gbere Gurracha

On this day, you will climb mount Wasama which is 4200m and keep trekking down to the Worgona valley. Birds like falcon, Raptors can be seen. Besides, Ethiopian wolf is available to be seen there. The trek will be ended at Gebre Gurracha means black lake.Overnight, camp at Gebre Gurracha. Time: 8-9hrs.

Day5: Gebre Gurracha- Sanetti Plateau

You would take a short hike from Gebre Gurracha upto Sanetti plateau so as to meet a car to explore the plateau. This is the right place where the largest population of Ethiopian wolf is living and the possibility to see them is higher than anywhere else in Ethiopia.

Overnight, hotel in the nearby town of Goba.

 Day6: drive to Harenna forest

Drive to the Harenna forest which is one of the densest forest in Ethiopia that hosts different vegetation and wild lives. The escarpment highs 2000 m above the edge of the forest and it provide breathtaking views.  Overnight, in a hotel in Goba.

Day7: drive Bale Park- Addis Ababa

Drive back to Addis Ababa with stops along the road to see the rift valley lakes and other activities by the people on both sides of the road. If you are interested in having dinner in one of the traditional restaurants in Addis Ababa, we will happily take you there. Later in the evening, either you will be transferred to the airport or a hotel for overnight.

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